Caring skincare routine for dry skin can be difficult, requiring you to keep your skin moist and hydrated throughout the day. Otherwise, your skin will become progressively drier and will eventually begin to flake and peel. It may also become irritated and itchy.

In treating dry skin, it is important to carefully consider the content of active ingredients in the skincare product used. The active ingredient content for dry skin must primarily be able to hydrate and maintain skin moisture—some of these active ingredients include hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and ceramide.

Apart from paying attention to the active ingredient content, you must also consider the correct order when using skin care products. According to a skin and genital specialist, the right order can make the products work optimally on the skin.

So, what is the skin care sequence for dry skin? In today’s blog, I will explain the morning and evening skincare sequence.

Best Ingredients For Dry Skin


The human skin is a complex and dynamic organ that constantly experiences various environmental stressors like heat, cold, and pollutants. To cope with these stressors, our skin cells have a natural mechanism utilizing small molecules called osmolytes. These osmolytes are crucial in maintaining fluid balance in cells, protecting proteins from damage, and managing stress. 

They also have a unique ability to attract and retain water molecules, which helps to keep the skin moisturized and alleviate dryness. In essence, osmolytes are a vital component of the skin’s natural defense mechanism, forming a protective barrier to lock in moisture in the skin, and ensure it stays healthy and resilient. 

When selecting products for dry skin, prioritize those containing dermatologist-approved hydrating ingredients:


Also known as glycerol, it is an effective humectant that draws moisture into the outer layer of the skin, enhancing hydration.

Hyaluronic Acid

Like glycerin, hyaluronic acid is a humectant that attracts water to the skin’s outer layers, contributing to optimal hydration.

Skin Barrier Lipids

Ceramides, cholesterol and fatty acids, especially palmitic acid  are essential lipids for maintaining the function of the skin barrier.  The skin barrier is designed to prevent moisture loss and protect the skin from environmental damage. Skincare products containing skin barrier lipids when used on a daily basis help to repair and maintain the skin barrier.

Natural moisturizing factors

These are substances that are created naturally in the skin as the skin goes through its continuous growth process.  Amino acids like tyrosine and their derivatives like PCA make particularly important contributions to the retention of skin moisture.

Taurine and the Taurine Transporter (TauT)

Protecting the hydration of cells in the deeper tissues of the skin is equally, if not more, important than protecting the outer tissues. This is where taurine and similar substances called “osmolytes” come in.  

These are substances that not only bind water in the skin but transport it into the living cells that are threatened by damage from various stress factors.  Taurine transport into threatened cells is facilitated by a mechanism called the taurine transporter (TauT). These stress factors can be external, like allergy, sun exposure, and pollution or internal stress factors like inflammation and the natural aging process. When it comes to osmolytes, taurine is the body’s champion.

Morning Skincare Routine


Establishing a consistent morning skincare routine is important to keeping your skin healthy and glowing. A good routine can help protect your skin from environmental stressors, replenish moisture, and nourish it with essential vitamins and nutrients. By taking a few minutes each morning to care for your skin, you can start your day feeling refreshed and confident in your skin’s appearance.


Before starting the day, make sure you wash your face first using a cleanser. Choose a non-foaming cleanser that does not contain detergent. This product will not make the skin drier and feel tight after the cleansing stage.


After cleanser, next use toner. The toner itself functions to refresh and hydrate the skin after the facial cleansing stage. Choose a hydrating toner that does not contain alcohol so it doesn’t irritate the skin.


The next stage is using serum. Serum itself is a facial treatment that functions intensively in treating or targeting certain skin problems, according to the ingredients it contains. 


After applying toner and serum, use a moisturizer that incorporates the moisturizer ingredients describe above and also benefits deep tissues of the skin

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This product must be used every day and should not be missed in your daily morning skincare routine. Sunscreen can help protect the skin from exposure to sunlight, especially UV rays, which can cause freckles, sun tan, or white spots on the skin. When applying sunscreen, don’t forget to get a sunscreen that contains at least SPF 30.

Skincare Routine At Night

At the end of a long and hectic day, following a thorough and relaxing nighttime skincare routine is essential to take care of your skin. Here are the skincare steps to follow at night:

Double Cleansing

After a day of activities, remember to double-cleanse your face. This step is crucial to optimally removing dirt and remaining makeup. 

Apart from being able to remove remaining makeup and dirt, cleansing balm is also an ideal product for dry skin because it can maintain moisture well. After that, you can continue washing your face with cleanser in a non-foaming form.


The next step is to use toner. The toner product used can be the same as the product used in the morning. Use this toner to keep your skin soft and supple all night.

Retinol Or Retinoids

Just like the skin care sequence in the morning, after toner, you can continue with serum. For the serum itself, you can use the same product you use in the morning. However, if you want to get rid of dark spots, then choose a serum that contains retinol. Besides being able to remove spots, this serum can also increase hydration for stressed skin.

Nighttime Moisturizing

The final important step is to use a nighttime moisturizing cream. to keep the skincare routine for dry skin and hydrated overnight. According to Doctors, choosing a nighttime moisturizing cream that contains glycerol, hyaluronic acid,,retinoid and skin barrier lipidscan help prevent general skin damage, aging lines and makes your skin look bright in the morning.

Harsh Products For Dry Skin

Be careful with certain skincare products if you have dry skin. Some products can make your skin worse, such as: 

  • Chemical peels
  • Harsh exfoliating products
  • Glycolic acid
  • Benzoyl peroxide
  • Salicylic acid
  • Alcoholic
  • Fragrance
  • And preservatives


A consistent and effective skincare routine is essential for managing dry skin and promoting overall health. By understanding the causes and characteristics of dry skin, individuals can tailor their routine to address specific concerns and achieve optimal hydration and comfort.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Common Dry Skin Conditions?

Dry skin is a common condition that can cause tightness, flakiness, itching, redness, rough texture, and sometimes even cracks or fissures. It may feel rough to the touch and may appear dull or lackluster.

What Factors Cause Dry Skin?

Skincare routine for dry skin can be caused by various factors such as environmental conditions (e.g., cold weather, low humidity), genetic predisposition, aging, excessive bathing or showering with hot water, harsh soaps or cleansers, certain medications, and underlying health conditions like eczema or psoriasis.

How Can Diet Help Improve Dry Skin?

A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and healthy fats can contribute to overall skin health, including hydration. Drinking sufficient water is also important for maintaining skin hydration from within.